In all fields and in all sectors, there has always been a certain initial reluctance to introduce new technologies. Since, it is feared that these could render the job more difficult at first or even lead to a reduction in personnel.

Thoughts of this kind have – in recent years – been voiced somewhat frequently in relation to artificial intelligence, which would end up carrying out activities previously assigned to employees. As re-iterated by many studies and as concretely demonstrated by the many companies that have widely introduced AI tools and systems, things are not quite as they seem.

Think, for example, of the relationship between artificial intelligence and human resources: here there is no competition, far from it. Indeed, these new technologies allow employees and employers to create processes that are capable of further enhancing the HR department.

Let’s take a look at how they’re achieving this.

Human resources and artificial intelligence, the acceleration between 2020 and 2021

As we know, the pandemic has had a secondary role in the acceleration of the technological progress at many companies, in the most diverse of sectors. In fact, in the spring of 2020, that digital transformation which, up to that moment, had only been ‘considered’ by many companies inevitably became a reality.

This has also – and above all – been the case for the human resources sector, with companies having to suddenly identify effective methods to monitor remote working, so as to communicate quickly with personnel, overcome physical spaces and paper means, select staff remotely, and so on. Coming to terms with one’s digital maturity was a necessary step, first to address the emergency, then to manage what is now considered the ‘new normal’.

Video interview platforms, advanced payroll management software, online recruiting tools, chat bots, assessment software and employer branding applications: HR departments have had to make an important technological leap. If, as of 2019, the use of AI tools in this field was still science fiction for many, today – instead – it is something very close to normality. Just think, for instance, of the growing applications for artificial intelligence in recruiting.

Discover Zucchetti In-recruiting software

From Human Resources to Human Revolution

According to the findings of the Zucchetti HR Observatory, in 2020 83% of medium-large companies and 61% of small businesses adopted smart-working practices – a revolution that has given way to many small collateral and consequent evolutions. 68% of large companies, 53% of medium-sized companies and 42% of small companies have introduced collaboration tools, with 42% of companies already able to boast high levels of digitalisation in the regulatory and administrative management of smart working by September 2020.

Then consider the possibilities opened up by the significant diffusion of apps developed for personnel, which offer the opportunity to immediately view circulars, always have access to important documents such as payslips, ask for permits, request shift changes, etc. And there’s more: 30% of large companies and 21% of medium-sized companies could – by September 2020 – boast Artificial Intelligence tools for forecasting personnel requirements integrated with shift software.

There is no doubt, the relationship between Human Resources and technology is evolving: with this in mind, Zucchetti has changed the definitions in the field, from Human Resources to Human Revolution, so as to provide HR software able to best accompany a technological revolution that focuses on people and lets them grow, simplifying life at the company.